EYFS SENDCo Level 3 CPD (read below)




You are purchasing the EYFS SENDCo Level 3 CPD Training Course – for one practitioner.

This course covers all relevant requirements, within the EYFS, relating to the roles and responsibilities of the SENDCo.  It also relates to the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice for SEND and associated legislation.  This is a crucial and central training course for those undertaking the role of SENDCo in and Early Years setting.  It focuses upon developing the provision for meeting the needs of children with SEND by developing a ‘Graduated Response’.  A range of SEND interventions are covered as part of developing and monitoring the provision for children with SEND as they evolve.  The course is developed in-line with the Early Years Inspection Handbook and so helps providers to solidly prepare for their Ofsted inspection.

This is a full and relevant EYFS training course and, once completed, practitioners will be provided with full certification for their CPD records and for Ofsted purposes.

Instructions on how to request certificates are included in the instructions on how to access the training course.

The course can be accessed whenever is convenient for you and/or your team.  You may also access, leave and return to complete the training, as many times as you need.

ACCEESSING THE TRAINING COURSE: to access the course – the downloads appear on the screen once the purchase has been made, you may need to scroll down the screen to see the downloads.  You can save the downloads to your device to access later.  ANOTHER WAY TO ACCESS THE TRAINING COURSE:  you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you used when making the order.  The downloads are in the body of the email – you will need to right click on the downloads and open in a ‘new tab’.

If you need any help, please email Lyndsey@theearlyyearsfoundation.com.

Enjoy the course.